Paik Nam June Media Bridge

Paik Nam June Media Bridge is a mega-structure over the Han River that aims to efficiently expand the city fabric on to the water. With a total length of 919 meters, the bridge connects the north and south of Seoul. The design proposal is a largely sculpted form with fluctuating curves and volumes.

Paik nam june media bridge aims to accommodate for the walking and cycling portion of the population. In addition, the structure will host a number of public facilities such as a museum, library, and an IT complex mall. This bridge will also connect the people down to the water by featuring a series of docks for water taxis, yachts and cruise ships. To generate a large portion of the energy used for internal programs, the bridge is clad in solar panels.

The project was on show at the Boutique Monaco Museum in Seoul in November 2010.
>> the exhibition

Length: 919m
GFA: 83,000m²


Media Responses :

The concept of crossing the Han River in a more sculptural, futuristic, and eco-friendly way –
조각같은 형태로 미래적이고 친환경적인 방법으로 한강을 건너는 컨셉을 제시

A mega-structure over the han river that aims to efficiently expand the city fabric on to the water –
도시의 구조가 수면 위로 확장된 한강의 메가 스트럭쳐

A bridge for Seoul that will incorporate a museum, library and IT centre in pods along its length –
연속적으로 배치된 유선형의 공간에 박물관, 도서관, IT센터를 가진 서울의 다리

This Bridge Looks Like It Can Fly to Space –
우주로 날아갈 것 같은 다리

Futuristic Multi Floor Bridge for Seoul Creates Its Own Energy –
에너지 생산이 가능한 서울의 미래지향적 다층구조 다리

Mini-City Bridges –
미니시티 다리